The state's new accountability system was created to assist stakeholders in engaging with San Diego Unified in productive conversations around the Local Control Accountability Plan.
The new system, based on multiple measures, is a byproduct of the Local Control Funding Formula passed in 2013 that requires districts to align academic programs and district services with their spending plans. Performance on these multiple measures will be reported through the California School Dashboard.
Please click here to access the California School Dashboard. To view district results, please select "San Diego Unified" from drop-down menu; to view school results, please select your school.
The site features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success with both state and local indicators. This first year of the accountability system is a field test, intended as an early model that will be fully implemented after feedback and adjustments. Metrics will be added over time as data are collected.
Equity is at the heart of the new accountability system and changes how accountability is measured. It aims to synthesize and make accessible a wealth of state and local data to help schools achieve better outcomes for their students. In the previous method, performance was measured by growth or achievement. Now performance is measured by growth and achievement. In the previous method, student performance relied solely on test scores. In the new method, student performance includes multiple measures that go beyond test scores. This new approach gives a more complete picture of a school's progress.
State Performance Indicators
- Academic Achievement in English Language Arts
- Academic Achievement in Mathematics
- Chronic Absenteeism (data not available until fall 2018)
- College/Career Readiness (only Status will be reported for 2017)
- English Learner Progress
- Graduation Rate
- Suspension Rate
The multiple measures system for state indicators is based on percentiles to create a five-by-five grid that produces 25 results and 5 performance levels (Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red). This five-by-five grid combines Status and Change to make an overall determination for each indicator and provides equal weight to both Status and Change. Please visit the CDE website under the header "The California Way" for additional detail on interpreting these performance metrics.
Local Performance Indicators
- Basic Services: Appropriately Assigned Teachers, Access to Curriculum-Aligned Instructional Materials, and Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities
- Implementation of State Academic Standards
- Parent Engagement
- School Climate
The State Board of Education approved standards for the local indicators that support districts in measuring and reporting their progress within the appropriate priority area. For each local indicator, the approved standard includes:
- Measuring district progress on the local indicator based on locally available information, and
- Reporting the results to the district's local governing board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the local governing board and to stakeholders and the public through the Dashboard.
For each applicable local indicator, districts assign one of three performance levels:
- Met
- Not Met
- Not Met for More than Two Years
The district makes the determination for each applicable local indicator by using self-reflection tools to measure and report their progress through the Dashboard. The collection and reflection on locally-available information relevant to progress on local priority areas will support districts in local planning and improvement efforts.
The top of every page of the Dashboard identifies the district or school and which report the user has selected, along with key demographic information. The Dashboard also shows the performance levels using the color-coded images below.
While navigating the Dashboard, users can view four different reports, which include:
- Equity Report
- Status and Change Report
- Detailed Reports
- Student Group Report
Equity Report: State Indicators
This report shows the performance level of all students on state indicators as well as the total number of student groups that are large enough to receive a performance level on each state indicator. (Note: The number of total student groups may differ across indicators due to the grade levels applicable for each indicator.)
It also shows the number of those student groups in the Red or Orange performance levels, providing a quick overview of overall performance and whether any student groups are struggling on the state indicators.
Equity Report: Local Indicators
This report shows performance level for local indicators. For districts that have Met the standard for these indicators, the performance data will be available in the Detailed Reports.
The default during the transition year will be N/A. Beginning in the 2017- 18 school year, there will be a deadline for completing this information or the district will receive a performance level of Not Met.
Status and Change Report
This report shows the performance level for each state indicator and the current performance (Status) and difference from past performance (Change) that resulted that in that performance.
Detailed Reports
These reports show year-by-year data for the state indicators and additional state data that is relevant to the state indicators. For districts, it also shows the locally-collected data reported on the local indicators.
Users will see the data organized into at least three groupings:
- Academic performance,
- Academic engagement, and
- School conditions and climate.
The groupings reinforce the relationships among the indicators and will make the information more digestible.
Student Group Report
This report shows the performance of all students and each student group on the state indicators. Users can choose to highlight only the student groups in the Blue and Green performance levels, Yellow performance level, or Orange and Red performance levels OR users can view reports showing performance of all student groups on a state indicator by clicking on that indicator.
For any report that shows student group performance, users can also click on any student group to access a single student group's performance on all indicators.
Additional Resources