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Teacher Intern Programs

Teacher intern programs offer an alternative pathway to teacher certification for aspiring educators. In California, there are two types of intern programs: district and university. A district intern teacher is enrolled in a district sponsored preliminary credential program; in contrast, a university intern teacher is enrolled in a university preliminary credential program. San Diego Unified School District does not currently have any active district intern programs; however, the district has established partnerships with 12 local universities. Internships may become available when there is a shortage of fully credentialed teachers. If the district has a teaching vacancy they cannot fill with a credentialed teacher, a qualified preliminary credential candidate may be hired as an intern teacher. Presently, the district employs university interns in the areas of Special Education, Science, Math, English and Multiple Subjects with a bilingual authorization.

For interest in a university intern program, please contact the university directly. While there is no guarantee of employment, to express your interest in becoming an intern teacher with San Diego Unified School District, please contact Teach-Lead San Diego which can advise you how to become a teacher. To view the current teacher job posting for San Diego Unified School District, please click on the “Job Opportunities”. 

For more information, contact Kerri Rose at (858) 935-2700 or [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions (Updated for 2022-23)