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Youth Risk Behavior Survey

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is conducted every two years in grades 9–12. The survey has been administered in San Diego Unified School District for over 25 years. The YRBS measures behaviors that are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in youth, including intentional and unintentional injury and violence, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual behavior, dietary behavior, and physical activity. By gathering this information, it allows us to see trends in student behavior and guides our decisions for developing and implementing health programs for students in our district. Please see CDC's YRBS Fact Sheet and CDC's YRBS website for more information.

CDC Report on National Youth Trends: Key Findings on Trends from 2013 to 2023

Informational Videos:

More Information about SDUSD's YRBS: