Just in Time for Summer: Play All Day at Cubberley Elementary’s New Grass Playfield
June 17, 2019
SAN DIEGO - Timing is everything, and for those living in the Mission Village neighborhood of Serra Mesa, a new grass playfield is now open just in time for summer.
Cubberley Elementary School's once-decomposed granite field is now a grass play space with irrigation, a walking and running path, a drinking fountain, security gates, and fencing. The project team also installed a new hooded backstop that can be used for a variety of sports. This addition will provide a park to the community after school hours and weekends, and will be used only for school-use during school days.
Left: aerial of field prior to construction; Right: backstop sits at Cubberley Elementary School's New Grass Playfield.
Principal Magdalena Ruvalcaba said she has seen team-building and improved social skills as students use the field for team sports, such as soccer.
“The joint-use field has enhanced the outdoor teaching and learning environment for our students and teachers,” Ruvalcaba said. “Students have many more opportunities for exercise during P.E. and recess.”
Prior to construction, the City of San Diego and San Diego Unified held a series of community meetings to gather input from the parents, neighbors, and the community about what they desired in a field at Cubberley. As part of the “Play All Day Parks Program,” the City of San Diego and San Diego Unified School District agreed to build more than 45 new joint-use parks, one being Cubberley.
“These fields are giving our students the opportunity to healthy - both mentally and physically - while providing a space for the Serra Mesa community to do the same,” San Diego Unified Superintendent Cindy Marten said.
Photos: Students, Parents, and Staff at Cubberley Elementary Celebrated their New Playfield in Late April with a “Jog-A-Thon.”
To read more about the joint-use field projects, like the one at Cubberley, visit http://fpcprojects.sandi.net. For more information and FAQs on the Play All Day Parks Program, please visit https://www.sandiegounified.org/joint-use.