MEDIA ADVISORY: Diving into Spring: District and City Leaders to Join University City High Students, Community to Celebrate New Joint-Use Pool at Standley Middle School
April 5, 2022
Diving into Spring: District and City Leaders to Join University City High Students, Community to Celebrate New Joint-Use Pool at Standley Middle School
San Diego Unified Board of Education Vice President Sabrina Bazzo will join City Councilmember Joe LaCava, University City High School (UCHS) swim students, and the community to celebrate the grand opening of a new joint-use pool at Standley Middle School.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
12:30 - 1:00 p.m.
Standley Aquatic Center (adjacent to Swanson Memorial Pool)
6298 Radcliffe Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92122
*See event & parking maps below
12:30 - 12:35 p.m. - UCHS Cheer Team & Drumline Performance
12:35 - 12:50 p.m. - Speakers
12:50 - 1:00 p.m. - UCHS Cheer Team Chant & Drumline Drumroll to Swim Team Celebratory Lap Swim
Drone/ground video and stills of the Standley Middle joint-use pool can be found here.
A fact sheet for the project can be found here.
Sabrina Bazzo, Board of Education Vice President, San Diego Unified
Joe LaCava, Councilmember, City of San Diego
Dr. John Lee Evans, Former Board of Ed. Trustee, San Diego Unified
William “Bill” Pearson, Principal, Standley Middle School
Michael Paredes, Principal, University City High School
Jackson Cassidy, Water Polo Player & Alumni, University City High School
and University of California at San Diego
Lee Dulgeroff, Chief Facilities Planning and Construction Officer, San Diego Unified
Andy Field, Parks and Recreation Director, City of San Diego
UCHS Alumni & Current Students
A highly anticipated series of projects continue to progress in University City and nearby schools. The Standley Middle School Joint-Use Improvements include a new pool and pool amenities building, an outdoor pavilion for school and community gatherings, and a walking and running path.
The facility is part of the Play All Day partnership between the San Diego Unified School District and the City of San Diego, meaning it will be used exclusively by students at designated times and open to the public at other designated times.
While work on the pool is complete, work on a new two-story classroom building and joint-use grass playfield at nearby Spreckels Elementary School continues. As part of the Whole Site Modernization project, a new entry vestibule will be constructed for the student services and administration building.
The joint-use facilities at Spreckels will expand with improvements to the existing Fort Field, a new natural grass multi-purpose field, decomposed granite walking track, hardcourts, play equipment, new additional off-street parking, and fencing to separate school and joint-use facilities.
Additional improvements at Spreckels include construction of a new student pick-up/drop-off area, creation of a secure and controlled visitor entry point, and major upgrades to the existing classroom, multi-purpose, and administration buildings.
Once the Spreckels project completes in 2024, a modernization of Standley will begin.
The Standley and Spreckels projects are funded by San Diego Unified’s capital bond improvement program, with a contribution from the City of San Diego for the Standley Middle Joint-Use Improvement project. You can read more about the projects by visiting
San Diego Unified’s capital projects are funded by San Diego Unified School District’s Propositions S, Z and Measure YY, which are local bond measures approved by San Diego voters to repair, renovate and revitalize neighborhood schools. The City of San Diego contributes some design and construction funds and will operate and maintain the joint-use facilities.
Play All Day Parks Program
Event Layout Map
Standley Pool Parking Map
Jamie Ries, Facilities Communication Liaison, San Diego Unified, 619-855-9283, [email protected].