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San Diego Unified Wins 12 NSPRA Awards

San Diego Unified Wins 12 National Communications Awards
Posted on 06/22/2022

The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) has announced the San Diego Unified School District Communications Department has won a prestigious Golden Achievement Award and 11 Publications and Digital Media Awards. The honors include three Awards of Excellence, five Awards of Merit, and three Honorable Mentions in the 2022 Publications And Digital Media Excellence Awards.

San Diego Unified won a 2022 Golden Achievement Award for the Communications Department’s work on superintendent search, which involved community outreach, media relations, videography, and social media. Throughout the superintendent search process, the Communications Department collaborated with the district’s Human Resources Department, Board Services Office, and a 48-member advisory committee.

The Communications Department was honored with three Awards of Excellence for: the #BetterSD electronic newsletter, “All In” initiative, and a video collaboration documenting the first day of school for Afghan refugees. The district won five Awards of Merit for videos about: students and schools, back-to-school guidelines, joint-use fields, and campus improvements.

The Communications Department received three Honorable Mention Awards for infographics.

San Diego Unified’s communications work will be honored at the NSPRA 2022 National Seminar  in July. NSPRA has provided school communication training and services to school leaders nationwide, in Canada, and in U.S. Department of Defense Dependent Schools worldwide since 1935. 
