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Fentanyl Awareness

Across the nation – and in our own San Diego County – the dangerous drug fentanyl is becoming more and more prevalent. We want our families to be informed, know the warning signs, and partner with us to communicate the dangers of fentanyl to your children.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), overdose deaths among teenagers linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl tripled in the past two years, yet 73 percent have never heard of fake prescription pills being made with fentanyl.


Prevention and response efforts at San Diego Unified

While we hope the situation does not take place, our schools are prepared to respond if an overdose occurs on campus. All San Diego Unified schools are equipped with two doses of naloxone, a medication that reverses an opioid overdose, and has at least three staff members trained in how to administer it. Additionally, all San Diego Unified school police carry naloxone and are trained to administer the life-saving medication. 

Fentanyl Awareness Webinar

San Diego Unified hosted a webinar for families to hear from local experts and discuss the dangers of fentanyl. Panelists included public health officials, board certified physicians, community task force officials and testimonials from local families who have lost a child to a fentanyl overdose.





If you need help with substance abuse or if you suspect a friend or loved one needs help, call the free, confidential 24/7 San Diego County Access and Crisis Line at 888-724-7240. You can also call 2-1-1 for substance use and mental health treatment referrals.