Listed alphabetically by last name
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench"
Inscription: "Celebrating 60 years of Excellence in Education and Community Building"
Honoring educators and staff who dedicated their careers to the children of this neighborhood.
Location: First bench in hallway leading to office
Medium: Mosaic
Artist: Jane Wheeler & friends
Funded by Bird Rock Community Council
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench"
Inscription: "Celebrating 60 years of Excellence in Education and Community Building"
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench"
Section 1 of 3: Educators and staff who dedicated their careers to the children of this neighborhood.
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench"
Section 2 of 3: Educators and staff who dedicated their careers to the children of this neighborhood.
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench"
Section 3 of 3: Educators and staff who dedicated their careers to the children of this neighborhood.
"Celebrate 60! Staff Bench", 2011-2012 Staff
Dedicated to the Parents' Committee, PTA and the Dr. Seuss Fund, 1995
Location: Wall between Rooms K-1 and K-2
Dedicated to Ronni Ames, School Clerk, 1989-2009
Location: Beneath tree in kindergarten play area
Dedicated to Beverly Candage, Principal, 2001-2009
Location: Beneath tree in kindergarten play area
Reading corner dedicated to Linda Dowley, parent volunteer extraordinaire, 1992-2004
Location: Library interior
Reading corner dedicated to Linda Dowley, plaque close up
Photo by Pearl Preis
In loving memory of Dena Endo, first grade teacher, 2003-2009
Location: Beneath tree in kindergarten play area
Bench dedicated to the memory of Dena Endo, Teacher, 2003-2009
Location: West end of hallway inside main classroom building
Dedicated to Polly Fluharty, parent volunteer, school librarian, 1999-2008
Location: Interior library wall (just inside main entrance)
Dedicated to Sandra Harding, Principal, 1984-1990
Location: Beneath tree in kindergarten play area
Dedicated to Sherman T. Hartland, Student, 1960-1971
Location: Next to Mosaic Sea Star in lunch court
In tribute to Kindergarten teacher Judy (Rasmussen) Hays who taught at Bird Rock Elementary for 40 years (1960-2000)
Location: Wall outside Room K-2
In memory of student Tom Ready
Location: Wall outside the Ready Room (just inside the east entrance of main building)
Dedicated to Mr. Sasha, PE coach, 1996-2002
Location: North wall of Library (top of stairs)
Dedicated to Barbara Scott, Principal, 1993-2002
Location: Library, south garden
In honor of Sylvia Stanzione, Principal's Secretary, 1984-2007
Location: Beneath tree in kindergarten play area